Notes from the GM:
While this is not a requirement, one character should be a technomancer and at least one character should have in-depth knowledge of magic (perhaps through being a magician or adept). This will help with dealing with the overarching plot.
You will have to take missions that have little to do with the overarching plot. Some of them will be just filler and some of them will be tied into the plot. I hope to make some things surprising but I'm told I have the subtlety of a tac nuke so we'll see...
You can get a legal PDF of the Shadowrun 4th ed book
here. If you set up a DriveThru RPG account and ask, I'll buy a gift copy for you. Additionally, while on my home network, you will have access to the
Runner's Companion,
Street Magic, and
Unwired books. I would appreciate it if you would not copy these from the fileserver to honor copyright, etc. (Also, you can buy all for $50 from DriveThru RPG.)
Also, if possible, you should take time to read the first two chapters of the
Runner's Companion book.
All rules in the above mentioned books except for any alternate systems, options, etc. are valid for character generation. (In particular, don't even bother reading the "Alternative Character Creation" and "Alternative Character Concepts" of the
Runner's Companion book.) Unless I've missed something. Oh, and no cyberzombies or blood magic.
I plan to make use of a wiki for the campaign for organizing notes and providing information. (This does mean adding a wiki for RealmForge but that's my problem.) There will be two spaces, one for player-public notes and one for GM-only notes. At the close of the campaign, the GM-only wiki will be made public (but read-only).
For deciding characters, the
Runner's Companion book establishes the following team roles:
- Close Quarters Combat - Contain or eliminate targets in melee range. A lot of people know how to shoot a gun but they don't know how to dodge a sword.
- Fire Support - Eliminate targets in the open and keep other targets pinned until the Close Quarters Combat guy can pay them a visit.
- Infiltration - Sneak around and do whatever's needed that requires stealth.
- Investigation - Gather information, including walking about and talking to people, doing Matrix searches, etc.
- Magical Support - Provide perception into the astral realm and defend against magical attacks. (A magician or mystic adept should provide this.)
- Matrix Support - Hack and do whatever's needed that requires hacking. (A technomancer will provide this.)
- Negotiation - Talk to people, haggle with merchants, haggle with your employer, fast-talk the guard into believing that these really aren't the droids he's looking for.
- Transportation - Drive the car, get the team from point A to point B, and get the team through any "fun" on the highway relatively intact.
You will probably want at least one person who can provide each role, and if possible, more than one for a few. Fire Support can be handled by drones or by magic (flinging fireballs, that sort of thing).