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First Nebulous Saga of Excellent Heroism

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 00:00
by Soraia
System: Exalted, 3rd ed
Location: TBD
Main Characters: TBD
Venue: Online communication, possibly including Roll20
Number of Players: TBD
... Right, let's actually try to do an RP.

Let's try something different: You, the players, get to decide the primary goal of the campaign and roughly where it starts. From there, we'll build the campaign.

Re: First Nebulous Saga of Excellent Heroism

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 00:40
by Soraia
Notes from the GM:
This is going to be a Solar campaign. It's all we have rules for, right now.

Questions for the players to decide for the campaign:
  • As a group: What is the primary goal of the campaign?
  • As a group: How do you want to go about doing it (in general, loose terms)?
  • As a group: Where do you want to start?
  • Individually: What is your first step for proceeding towards the campaign goal? (For example, do you want attain an artifact weapon or a manse? Do you want a kingdom to call your own?)
  • Individually: Assuming you're not starting in a canonical location, from your character's perspective, tell me two positive things about the city or nation and two negative things.
  • Individually: Tell me two true rumors you would overhear in a tavern and two false rumors.
  • Individually: Tell me two positive rumors, two negative rumors, and one false rumor about your character. (Communicate this privately to me.)
Why Exalted instead of Pathfinder?
Pathfinder is really, really insistent on using miniatures. The largest obstacle was going to be learning how to use Roll20 and set it up.

Exalted is more lenient. And I think it's more fun.

Why Exalted, 3rd Edition?
It looks rather more polished than previous editions. The combat system also looks to be more fun.

Until the morning of 1/22, DrivethruRPG is selling an Exalted 3E bundle for $20. If you'd like, I can refund the cost of the bundle.

There is also an Exalted 3E quickstart available for $2. This will give you a basic summary of the systems and might be a good place to start to learn the mechanics. It doesn't contain anything related to character generation.

How are we going to do this?
This is up for discussion. The two main questions are: Text and/or voice? Online collaborative area (e.g. Roll20) or not?

(If we used Roll20, it would only be used for general bookkeeping and sharing images and the like, so it wouldn't be a major obstacle, like it was with Pathfinder.)

So what's with leaving things up to the players?
It's a different idea. If Exalted is supposed to be a storytelling system, who's telling the story? If I decide everything ahead of time, it's really more my story. I want to see what happens if I leave some details up to you, the players.

Yes, when we have a goal, I'll rename the thread and create the appropriate subforum.

The individual questions about the starting place will be used to shape that place.

So what are some sample end goals?
Here's a few ideas:
  • Return Solars to their rightful place as rulers of Creation.
  • Remove the Deathlords as a threat to Creation.
  • Prevent the demon lords (yozis) from permanently escaping their prison.
So where can we start?
There are six general areas of Creation:
  • The Blessed Isle: Home of the Realm and the dragon-bloods. You don't want to start here, unless you want to spend a fair bit of the campaign on the run. They don't like your kind there.
  • The Scavenger Lands: This is the default setting for Exalted campaigns. It's an area of Creation with a bunch of tiny kingdoms all vying for dominance. It's the closest to "ye generic fantasy world."
  • The North: Closest to the Elemental Pole of Air. The coldest part of Creation. It's largely tundra and small outposts of arable land. We'll call it "Scandinavia-like."
  • The East: Closest to the Elemental Pole of Wood. Lots of trees. Mostly divided between tree-dwelling nations, ground-dwelling nations, beastmen, the Fair Folk, etc, none of whom like anyone else.
  • The South: Closest to the Elemental Pole of Fire. The hottest part of Creation. Deserts, oases, and heat. We'll call it "Arabia-like."
  • The West: Closest to the Elemental Pole of Water. It's mostly ocean with a myriad of islands. Sailing is important here.