Trenicia:Campaign Traits

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As one of their traits, PC's may choose one of the following traits:

Animal Whisperer
You have always had a way with the animals of the hills and forests. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks and Handle Animal is always a class skill for you. Your trait bonus increases to +5 whenever you attempt to "push" a wild animal to perform a trick for you, so long as its attitude is indifferent or friendlier. You may target creatures of the animal type with charm or compulsion spells as if they were humanoids, but unless you have another ability to make yourself understood to animals, you must still succeed at a Handle Animal check to "push" your target in order to communicate specific requests.
Borovian Hunter
You have been trained as a hunter by the Borovian Druids to help stave off threats in the forest. You gain a +2 trait bonus to confirm critical hits against creatures of the animal, magical beast, and vermin types, and while wearing a trophy from an animal, magical beast, or vermin whose CR was higher than your current class level, you gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves.
Crime Family Agent
When you were in Castronovo, you were inducted into one of the crime families. After an incident, they released you from service. You gain a +1 trait on Knowledge (local) checks and Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you. In addition, you begin play able to read and write coded messages used by the crime family.
Eating Contest Challenger
Some of the local taverns have challenges to eat or drink substances, some of which are actually food. You decided you wanted to beat as many of these as you could and trained yourself appropriately. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison.
Frontier Healer
You helped Auntie Gabi with her businesses of herbalism and helping heal the people of the town and surrounding hamlets. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Heal and Knowledge (nature) checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. Any time you restore hit points using the Heal skill or a cure spell (but not with channeled energy, lay on hands, or a magic device such as a potion or wand), you restore 1 additional hit point, plus 1 for every 2 class levels you have beyond 1st.
History Scholar
You have always been enamored of tales of the wonders of ages gone by. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks, and begin play able to read standard coded Magelord writings.
Monster Hunter
You decided you wanted to make a name for yourself hunting and slaying large monsters. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against aberrations and magical beasts.
Patrician Family
You are a member of a patrician family. Your family taught you how to run a business and your years of helping the family business have given you a knack for trade. You can increase the gp limit of any settlement by 20% and can resell items at an additional 10% over the amount of gp you normally would get from selling off treasure.
Quick Appraiser
You picked up a knack for readily inspecting goods disposed of by craftspeople that you could repurpose for your own uses. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Appraise checks and a +5 trait bonus on Appraise checks to determine the most valuable item visible in a treasure hoard.
Raid Survivor
When you were young, your family's hamlet was raided by a band of orcs and goblins. Since then, your family moved to Jelena's Ford and has trained you to defend against these foes. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Perception, and Sense Motive checks and a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes.
Student of Faith
While not necessarily religious yourself, you have always been interested in how different people have different outlooks on faith. You cast all cure spellls at +1 caster level, and whenever you channel energy, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of your channeled energy.
Tavern Performer
(Requires a skill rank in a Perform skill) You are well known for performing in the inns and taverns in Jalena's Ford and the surrounding hamlets. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks for any one Perform skill. Additionally, choose any one spell of the enhancement school; its save DC increases by +1.
Unbreakable Survivor
Over a decade ago, bandits burned your family's farm house to the ground and left you barely alive. Once per day as a full round action, you may shrug off some of your injuries and immediately heal a number of hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + 1 per Hit Die. Your reputation for tenacity inspires your neighbors and you gain a +1 trait bonus whenever you attempt to influence residents of Jelena's Ford and the surrounding hamlets with Diplomacy or Intimidate checks.
Weary Mercenary
You signed on with a mercenary band as soon as you could and saw war firsthand. After your tour of duty, you had enough and came home. You gain one of the following as a permanent class skill: Appraise, Heal, Knowledge (history), Sense Motive, or Survival. When you perform an aid another action to improve a creature's Armor Class, you increase its AC by +4 rather than +2.